one of the energies became covered. When that became covered; this became wrong. So if someone removes this intoxicant for him, he would be cured. What else has happened here? Nothing else has happened. The same has happened here, as what had happened to the sheth. Would the sheth's (vision) become covered or not? Would one's whole perception not become covered? That is what has happened here.
Questioner: We can believe that. But if the fundamental pure Soul (Shuddhatma) has greater energy (shakti) then why does it become influenced?
Dadashri: But right now, does it not have that energy (shakti). At present, the fundamental Atma is completely detached (udaseen).
Questioner: Has it been detached (udaseen) from the very beginning?
Dadashri: It is always detached (udaseen); it is free from attachment and abhorrence (vitarag). What it is saying is that, as long as you like all this, you should carry on doing it. But if you do not like it, you should remember my name, or the Gnani Purush's or whatever support you can find and come back to me. As long as you like it on the outside, you can wander around as it suits you. Otherwise, return to yourself: that is what it is saying
If you can just understand this much: that when the sheth drinks alcohol, he changes; then all your questions will be answered. And in this, the only alcohol one is made to drink, here is, 'I am Chandu', which has given rise to the ego (ahamkar). So this is all just an influence (amal), and one is talking under this influence. He just carries on with his talking, perpetually in a state of intoxication, and there is no end to his talking!
However, the Atma is completely detached (udaseen) all