Savory snack mixture Bhelvaado Mixed-up Bhinnatva
Differences Bhogavato Enduring of karmas Bhokta
Sufferer Bhrama
Illusion Bhrant-gnan Illusory knowledge Bhumika
Place Binharif
Cannot compete with Brahma
Atma, god Brahma satya Atma is real Brahma swaroop The Self Brahmaanand Bliss of the Self Brahmachari Celibate Brahmagnan Knowledge of God Brahmaswaroop Atma Buddha
Enlightened Buddhigamya Understandable through the intellect Buddhijanya Based on the intellect Buddhijanya gnan Intellectually based knowledge Buddhishadi Those who excessively use their intellect Chaitanya swaroop Form of the Self Chana
Chickpeas Chanchal Agitated, restless and active Charam deha Final body Chetan
The Self Chetan gnan Knowledge of the Self Chetan's mavavi shakti
Illusory energy Chetan-mun Charging or the living mind Choth
Fourth lunar day Darasal Darshan kriya Act of Seeing Dasha
States Deevo Deha
Body Dehadharma Nature of the body