experience bliss (anand) for a thousand years – that is the kind of bliss they enjoy over there. And that is the kind of happiness (sukh), that these people are struggling to find. Your own bliss (sukh) is like that. For me, in spite of the hindrance of this body, from the bliss (sukh) that there is, I can tell that if the body were not a hindrance, what kind of a bliss it would be! You are sitting with me and even then you are all experiencing the joy and bliss (sukh)! It is my bliss that is overflowing, and you are getting a taste of it!
Questioner: Without a physical body, how can we experience bliss (sukh)?
Dadashri: When you try to contemplate bliss without a physical body, your body is with you, and so the bliss that you contemplate, will not be like the other one. From this, you can infer that if there is so much bliss (sukh) over here, what kind of bliss would there be over there?! The Experience of the Bliss of the Self in
Siddha-Gati Questioner: Those who are in the realm of the Liberated Souls (Siddha gati), who have gone to moksha (final liberation), and who are experiencing the bliss without a body; who is experiencing that bliss?
Dadashri: The Self experiences the bliss of the Self. They experience their own constant bliss, and they are constantly in their own space. And what work do they do? It is the work of Knowing (Gnan kriya) and the work of Seeing (Darshan kriya), that goes on continuously!
Questioner: Then why would they need this work of Knowing and Seeing over there?
Dadashri: That is their nature! This light, would it not be constantly seeing us? If this light were living (chetan), then would