candra also wrote a commentary on his Europe is planning appropriate comgrammatical work. two versions of memoration of this very great man. which are known today.
VIJAY VALLABH SURISHWARJI Hemacandra's interest in linguistic
Monks (and nuns) play an important matters is futher demonstrated by his
role in Jainism. Whilst a man will lexicographical works, a dictionary of
usually become a sadhu or muni (the nouns, a botanical dictionary, a diction
commonly used words for a monk) out ary of Prakrit or provincial words and a
of a yearning for his own spritiual collection of words having more than
progress, seeking the teaching and one meaning. His work on Sanskrit
help of an admired guru (teacher or poetics is also important, though in
master), this will often not preclude an this, as indeed is true of most scholars,
active life of teaching, writing and he can be seen as standing on the
preaching for the benefit of the whole shoulders of his predecessors. Of more
Jain community (samgha). This is an purely Jain interest, is his very lengthy
account of the life and work of a work giving the legendary biographies
leading monk, or Acharya, and a triof the 63 great figures who are tradi
bute to him by one who benefitted tionally seen as being the leaders of
from one of the institutions which he the current cycle of world history,
wes instrumental in establishing.) commencing with the 24 Tirthankara, and the 12 world monarchs. They are a
Among the great Jaina Acharyas of this favourite theme of Jain writers. He
century, the late Vijay Vallabh Surishwrote hymns in praise of Mahavira, a
warji enjoys a very prominent and valuable work of logic (only part of
popular place. He was a favourite with which survives), and many other writ
both the old and new generations of ings. Moral precepts appear in Hema
the Jain laity. The key to his popularity candra's Yogasastra.
lay in his earnest desire to see that the
laity was helped spiritually and otherThis short article does not attempt to
wise. He led the austere life of a Jain cover the whole range of Hemacandra's
sadhu (monk) carrying out all the inworks, nor his influence on later scho
junctions prescribed by the scriptures. larship. The name given to him, Kali
Thus the orthodox mind saw nothing in
him that would discredit him but at the kala sarvajna, means the Omniscient of the Kali Age (the present era). It
same time, he talked and preached in indicates the esteem in which he was,
support of various welfare activities for and is, held, not only in Jain circles but
the betterment of the Jain samgha. For by Indian scholars in general. Next
more than half a century, he carried on year, 1989, sees the nine hundredth
a crusade in his inimitable way for the anniversary of his birth and this will be
uplift of his followers. widely celebrated. Already Jain Samaj The flare for activities outside the
Jain Education Intemational 2010_03
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