Book Title: The Jain 1988 07
Author(s): Natubhai Shah
Publisher: UK Jain Samaj Europe

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Page 114
________________ =gain_ Description of pictures in the articles 6 Ghantakarna Mahavira, is the thirteeth of the 1 Shantinath, the sixteenth Tirthankara, is the main fifty-two vir, (heros). He is celestial being and image in the Jain Centre. The reason for the ne protects the faithful Jains. His image will also be presence of this image in the main position was on was inet installed in the Jain Centre. determined by the astrogical concordance of Leicester and Jain Samai Europe with this 7 Padmavati is the yaksini, divine guardian Tirthankara. He became Chakravati, emperor, associated with Parsvanath. She protects his as well as Tirthankara. worshippers and all faithful Jains. Her image will be installed in the Jain Centre. Parsvnath, the twenty third Tirthankar was the & Ambika Devi, is the yakshini or female divine beloved son of King Aswsen, and Queen guardian associated with Neminatha. Driven ou Vamadevi. Once he saved the life of a snake out by her family when she gave alms to a couple. (who were named Padmavati and Jain monk, she wandered in the forest with Dharnendra in the next life). In return they her children, meditating constantly on protected him when he was meditating from evil Neminatha. When her husband came to call powers causing rainstorms on him. her back, the family having repented of their In earlier issues of The Jain we introduced the harshness, she feared that he was coming to three images of Shantinath, Parshvanath and kill her and so that he would not suffer the sin Mahavir which are now present in the temple of killing, she ended her own life by throwing in the Jain Centre. The following articles herself into a nearby well. Her thoughts were describe the images which are to be still on Neminatha and she became his divine established in the Digambara temple in the attendant. Jain Centre. 9 Sarasvati We have described the life of Bahubali in this, is the goddess of learning. She is shown riding on and earlier issues: his image will be in a a swan. She has four hands, in the left she holds a prominent position. lotus and a vina (a stringed instrument) and in the right hand is a book and a rosary. She is 2 Rsabhdev, or Adinatha, the first Tirthankara, worshipped on the day of Shruta Panchami She is will be the central image in the Digambara considered the goddess of knowledge and a temple. Jain tradition holds that from his symbol of the Agamas. teachings all civilisation developed and there a ter 10 Chakreshwari is the female divine guardian of are many temples in India dedicated to him, Rshabdev, the first Tirthankara. She is also including the main temple at Satrunjay. known as Shasan Devi and is highly 3 Neminatha, the twenty-second Tirthankara, respected by the Jain community as she gives will occupy the right-hand position in the spiritual help to Jain devotees. Digambara temple. He is traditionally 11 Laksmi, believed to have been a cousin of the Lord also known as Padma, Rama, Shri, Kamla and Krasna. The well known story tells how he Indira, is the goddess of wealth. In the Kalpa was shocked by the cries of the animals ready Sutra there is a description of her as the subject of to be slaughtered for those non-Jains present the fourth dream of Mahavira's mother. Lakshmi at his wedding feast. He there upon is depicted with four hands, holding in the upper renounced the intended marriage and a year two lotus flowers, one lower hand holds a jar later he became a monk. Shortly afterwards (kalash) and the other is raised in blessing. She is he achieved omniscience, kevala jnana. His worshipped particularly at the festival of Diwali. intended bride followed his example and She is depicted in beautiful form arrayed in rich became anun. jewels. 81 Jain Education Intemational 2010_03 For Private & Personal Use Only


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