Rāypaseniya-sutta. breadth, four Yojanas in thickness, the whole of it prepared out of jewels, chaste, smooth, { upto ] splendid. On that altar of gems he erected a very expansive throne. The descri. ption of that throne is stated in the following terms. The discs, the lions with golden feet, the upper part of the feet of the throne, the limbs, the joints, and the middle part of it were prepared out of gold, jewels, variegated jewels, Jambunaya, adamant, and numerable precious stones respectivaly. That throne was painted with various pictures ( such as ) wolf deer, bullock, horse, man, shark, bird, snake, ( leopard ) Kinnar, antilope, yak, elephant, wild creeper, lotus creeper, and the foot stool of which was studded with incomparable crest-jewels. The pillow on the foot stool was covered by smooth covering, the hanging skirt of which was as smooth and tender as the new skin, ends of Kush grass, filaments of flowers, having well arranged dirt remover ( on it ) and the latter covered with suitable cotton garment as a protector of the dust remover, ( being ) wrapped in a very charming red garment, exceedingly charming, and which was as delicate in touch as the skin of