divine vehicle); having done so, he weut to the place where the divine throne was; having done so, he took his seat on the excellent throne, facing to the east. Then those four-thousand Sāmāniya gods ( celestial beings. having the position of Indra ) of Sūriyābha god, circumambulating that divine conveyance · climbed it by the beautiful staircase of northern direction; having done so, everybody of them took the auspicious seats which were already arranged. The remaining gods and goddesses went to that divine aeroplane [ upto ] by the beautiful staircase of southern direction mounted it; having done so, each of them took his seat on the auspicious seats which were already arranged. When that Sūriyābha god mounted on that divine vehicle eight auspicious things proceeded before him, in due order ( those were ) viz. Sətthiya, Sirivachchha, [ upto ] Dappana ( mirror ). Then afterwards pitchers and jars filled with water ), divine umbrellas, flags, Chowries, ( Chammaras, which were ) pleasing to the sight, and banners Vijaya and Vejayanta by name, waved by the wind, lofty, (as if ) scratching the court-yard of the sky and worthy to be looked at, proceeded in due