victor. - जाबय (यापक) conqueror of passioris. favor (ata) one who has crossed the ocean of 'worldly existence. Past passive participle di'rectly received from Sk. form. तारय (तारक)
saviour. बुद्ध enlightened one. बोहय (बोधक) •enlightener of others. मुत्त (मुक्त) one who is liberated from worldly existence. मोयग (मोचक) the liberator of others. सव्वन्नु (सर्वज्ञ) all knowing, perfect, omniscient. It is also spelt as सवण्णु. सव्वइरसी (सर्वदर्शी) all seeing. सिवमलयमरुयमणंत etc. (शिवं+अचलं + अरुज + अनन्तं+ अव्याबाध+ अपुनरावर्तकम् +सिद्धिगतिनामधेयस्थान +संप्राप्तानां ) those who liave attained (marcarai) the place ( FØTTH) which is known as ferrfa ( perfection ) and which is blissful (शिवम् ), changeless (अचल) free from weakness and illness of bodily existence (अरुजम् ), infinite (अनन्त), imperishable (अक्षय), free from distress (अव्याबाध) and whence there is no return (अपुनरावर्तकम् ). संपाउकाम (संप्राप्तुकामः) desirous of attaining. तत्थगय (तत्र गत) existing there. इहगए [इहगत] remaining here. सनिसण (सत्रिषण्णः ) sat; took his seat.
(6) Summary-The mind of noble Suriyabha god was harboured by religious thoughts. After a little bit thinking he came to the conclusion that to wait upon Lord Mahavira was his first and foremost duty for