Notes. ; 263 37577 ( 37-791) without decay; not going out of existence. Stargar (stafferat) steadfast; unchanging. TRIOTTÉH (aftio facit ) the diameter of a circle or of the wheel of a chariot. दव्वाप (द्रव्यार्थतया) by substantial point of view. This is a particular view point of Jains. It provides only the knowledge of a substance without minding the modifications. According to this, every substance is indestructible and exists in one form or another. The various ornaments prepared out of gold can be transformed but the substance itself viz. gold ever remains unchanged. qrafe (qara:) by modificatory point of view. This point of view takes into consideration only the modifications of a substance without noticing the substantial nature. According to this view every substance is undergoing changes and therefore unreal. grareta 8The numerical figure % occurring after a word stands for three words, synonymous with the one which precedes it. Thus पासादीर ४ = पासादीए, दरिसणिज, अभिरूवे, पडिरूवे.
(35) Summary-Exactly in the middle part of the surface of the square kept at the entrance there is a colossus palace. It is surrounded by four lofty mansions, which are again surrounded by lofty villas. Those villas are encircled by other four magnificent