is held. महेग (महति) a great मणिपेढिया ( मणिपीठिका) altar of gems आयामविक्खंभ (आयाम + विष्कंभ) length and breadth. बाहल्ला ( बाहल्य) thickness. तवणिज्जमया ( तपनीयमया) golden. चकला – discs. सीह (सिंह) lion. पायसीसग ( पादशीर्षक) The upper part of the feet of the throne. गत ( गात्र ) limbs. वेच्च (व्यूत) a strap for interweaving the middle part of the couch, (Desi word ( वर्त्मन् ) the middle part). सारसार or संसारसार the essence; cellent. पायवीढ (पादपीठ) foot stool. अच्छरगमिउमसूर etc.-[अस्तरक+मृदु+मसूरक+नवत्वक् + कुशान्त + लिम्ब (कोमल)
केशर+प्रत्यवस्तृत +आवरण] the pillow on the foot stool was again covered by smooth covering (प्रत्यवस्तुम्) and the hanging skirt of it was smooth and tender like the new skin, ends of Kush grass, and filaments of flowers. सुविरइयरयत्ताणेwell arranged (सुविरचित), dirt absorber or 'dirt remover ( रजस्त्राण ). उवचियखोम दुगूल पट्टपडिच्छायण [ उपचित+क्षौम + दुकूल + परिच्छादन ] covered with suitable cotton garment as a covering of dirt absorber. रत्तंसुअसंवुए - covered with (संवृत ), a very charming red garment ( रत्तांशुक ). आइणगरूयबूरणवणीय etc. which is as delicate in touch ( स्पर्श ), as the skin of deer, cotton, Būr plant, and butter ( अजिनक+रूत+बूर + नवनीत etc. ). मउए (मृदुकः ) smooth; delicate; soft. विजयदुस ( विजय