it in general form. In the middle of that vehicle there was a great and colossus theatre supported by hundreds of pillars and almost formed out of veriegated jewels, painted with thousands of pictures, equipped with aus: picious marks and turned into fragrance incarnation. Exactly in the middle of that arena there was a very huge áltar of gems, thirty two Yojanas in area and prepared out jewels. On that altar there was a very expansive throne, to the four sides of which thousands of seats were arranged for the four chief queens of Suriyabha god, seven commanders and sixteen-thousand body-guards, Samaniya gods, residential gods and god. desses, and servile gods. The whole of the Sutra is devoted to a very glowing description of various parts and a number of materials used for its preparation.
15. fafafa (fsfera in three directions, THTHUIFFETT (F#alqlarfaET*179 ) three beautiful (frafasta), staircases (para ). In every direction there were three eminent staircases: gfEgH (OTCFT ) East. It is also spelt as gcfia. great caret) South. gremot is also rendered as au aflau (FAOI) made of adamant. In this book we come across two forms वर and वयर used oft and on. जिम्मा (ने. FA or hat ) ring or felly of a wheel; circumference; boundary. रिट्रामया (रिष्ठमया) made of Rittha jewel agro ( fagra) prop; foundation, basis, foot. fo. (apai) 'lapsis lazuli, a kind of jewel. फलग (फलक) plank, or steps. लोहियक्ख