(लोकप्रदीप) light to the mass. "लोगपतोयगर (लोक . प्रद्योतकर) enlightener of the world. अभयदय ( अभय दायकः) giver of security. from danger.. चक्खुदय .(चक्षुदायकः ) bestower of vision. मग्गदय (मार्गदायकः ) conferer of the path i. e. who shows the way. जीवदय (जीवदायकः) giver of life. सरण (शरण) resort; protection; shelter. बोहि (बोधि) knowledge; enlightenment. STEA ( FÅ ) doctrine; religious precept, धम्मदेसय (धर्मदेशक) propoun. der of religion. धम्मनायक (धर्मनायक ) the leader of religion. धम्मसारही (धर्मसारथी) the charioteer in driving the chariot of religion. धम्मवरचाउरंत चकवट्टी (धर्मवरचतुरन्तचक्रवर्ति) the excellent universal sovereign (चक्रवर्ति) or the emperor of the earth bounded by four oceans (चतुरन्त ) in the form of religion (धर्म). अपडिहयवरनाणदसणधर (अप्रतिहतवरज्ञानदर्शनधरः) possessed of (धरः) the highest kind (वर) of unimpeded or unobstruct. ed ( अप्रतिहत ) knowledge (मान) and perception (दर्शन). वियदृछउम (विवृत्तछम) who has transcend. ed (विवृत्त). delusion or infatuation (छम); free from delusion; this phrase is also used as वियछउमस्थ i.e. One who has trausgressed the limit of fourth type of knowledge and obtained the fifth one (केवलज्ञान). जिण (जी to conquer) one who has. vanquished sense .organs; conqueror;