ancient usage, they changed their bodies and by creating a terrific hurricane did the work of a sweeper. Moreover they sprinkled water by showers of rain and created heaps of flowers by strewing them to the height of knees (i. e. did the work of a gardener). They burnt fragrant incense, made the place worthy for the arrival of god Suriyabha, and returning to their dėsti. nation conveyed back the report of the execution of the order of Suriyabha god.
10. HETIT (haahara) a terrific hurricane: FET FIAT (TOT ATA#:) of unmentioned. name, of certain name ( TATATAT:) Here typical description of an ideal youth who is well trained and well accomplished both physically and intellectualy, is given. U&ITT ( fara:) son of a servant. FETT (Fra) perhaps, is, exists. att (a Eft:) young. gna (rar) not degraded by the flaws of time. बलवं (बलवान् ) possessing prowess. 3TOMAT ( 3724+3718 ) not affected by desease. Here 3729 is used in order to denote the non-existence of desease. [ 3739-ATTI T ATA or 3rmarat). Percúzco (PEBICHETA ) strong structure of the bones. To is a. Desi word. ForTMENT (FESTCHAEFA) a well built forearm. ofegoorfor etc. (afaqa+orfor+ar&+qgiat+36) complete and without any defect in hands, feet, back and chest. Groot (afroa:) developed.