having done so, he wiped the frame of the door, small puppets and, statues with the mop of peacock feathers; having done so, he washed them with a continuous line of divine water; having done so, he besmeared them with: juicy Gosīs sandal; having done so, he offered flowers garlands [ upto ] ornaments; having done so, he encircled them with ........... wreaths extending from top to toe [ upto ] offered incense; having done so, he proceeded to the part where there was the bower..at the entrance attached to the southern door and ( where there was ) exactly the middle part of that southern bower ( at the entrance ); having doue so, he picked up the mop of peacock feathers; having done so, he cleansed that middle portion by the mop of peacock feathers; having done so, he washed them with continuously drippling divine water; having done so, he marked out a circle by imprinting the palm of the hand (with five fingers besmeared in) juicy Gosīs sandal; having done so, he ( spread the flowers like those that are fallen from the hands while ) holding the braid [ upto ] offered incense; having done so, he approached to the place where there was