northern bower at the entrance (rest is same). Then he went to the western door............ northern door.......... .rows of pillars of southern side........ (the rest is the same) ....where there was the northern door of the temple of Siddhas (perfect souls) [the rest is same]. He approached to the eastern door of the temple of Siddhas (liberated souls); having done so, ......(the rest is same). He marched to the place where there was the eastern bower at the entrance and the middle portion of the eastern bower; having done so.............(the remaining is same), He approached to the southern door of the eastern bower at the gate and the series of pillars of western side............northern door ..(rest is same)............eastern door.......... (the same). Then he proceeded to the place where there was the bower for theatrical purposes (situated on the) eastern side. In the same way he (proceeded to) the mound, idols of the prophets, holy tree, great Mahinda banner, and Nanda lotus] pond (the same........upto ........) offered incense; having done so, he went to the place where there was Sohhama congregation-hall; having done so, he entered into the Sohamma congregation-hall through (its)