place where there was, “ Choppāl" the storehouse of weapons; having done so, he took in. his hand the mop of peacock feathers; having done so, he cleaned “ Choppāl” the store-house of weapons, having done so, he washed it with. a continuous stream of divine water and plastered it with the layers of juicy Gosīs sandal, offered flowers.......and wreaths extending from top to toe [ upto ] incense. Then he went to the part where there was exactly the middle portion of Sohamma congregation-ball, the precious stoned pedestal, and the celestial bed; having done so, he held in his hand the map of peacock feathers and wiped that precious stoned pedestal, and the celestial bed [ upto ] offered incense; having done so, he went to the place where there was the southern door of Uvavāy-hall [did the same thing as in the case of anointing hall [ upto ] Nandā lotus-pond situated on ] the eastern side. Then he approached. to the place where there was the lake; having done so........the arch, three-fold staircasē, puppets, and small statues....... ( the rest is same ). Thereafter he went to the part where there was the anointing-hall; having done so, he did. the same in case of the throne and precious