and cry went to the place where there was the temple of liberated souls. Having gone there entered into the temple of Siddhas ( liberated souls) through the eastern door; having done so, he approached to the part where there was the pedestal for the installation of images and the idols of the prophets; having done so paid homage at. the very sight of the images of the prophets; having done so, he took the mop of peacock feathers (or the broom); having done so, he wiped those images of Jinas with that mop of peacock feathers (or broom); having done so, he gave bath to those idols of the prophets, with scented fragrant water; having done So, he plastered (besmeared ) the
(of the images) by juicy Gosīs sandal; having done so, he wiped the bodily parts (of the idols) by highly scented and coloured garment, having done so, he put, the pairs of sound and divine garments; on the idols of the prophets, having done so, he offered flowers, garlands, perfumes, powders, colours, (or paints), garments, and ornaments; having done so, he prepared the clusters of circular, pendant, wreaths and garlands extending from top to toe; having done so, he equipped it