was accomplished got up from the throne; having done so, he left the saloon ( decoration-hall ) by the eastern door; having done so approached to the place where there was business chamber and again and again circumambulating the business chamber entered into it by the eastern door; having done so, (he marched forth towards the place) where there was the throne [ upto ] took his seat. Thereafter that Suriyābha god held that excellent scriptural volume; having done so, he loosened (the string of) [or placed on the lap or on the stool that excellent book; having done so, he comprehended the religious topics (i. e. matter); having done so, he replaced the excellent volume; having done so, he got up from the throne; having done so, he left the business chamber by the eastern door; having done so went to the part where there was Nanda lotus-pond; having done so, he descended by the excellent eastern three-fold staircase situated by the eastern side of the arch of Nanda lotus-pond; having done so, washed his hands and feet; having done so, he made himself exceedingly pure and clean by sipping water and took a particular shaped jar which was white, colossus, silvery,