containing historical matters, metrical poems, particular songs sung with high pitch, equipped with modulated voice, having the songs ending in comedy, possessing seven types of notes, devowed of six flaws, having eleven poetic ornaments, equipped with eight types of metrical virtues, and resembling the music of the dancers which itself is like the humming noise contained in the cave which is favourable to singing, sung in tune, clear at three places (viz. chest, throat, and head), and is harmonious with the tune of the lute, and the Aute and the steps are in tune with the sweet husky [or grunting] manner of singing (and is pleasing to the mind, barmonious, graceful, charming, bewitching the mind, melodious in the end and exceedingly charming in its form). . (Q.) Is the sound just like the above
stated terms ? ...(Ans.) Yes it is just like that ( the above stated description).
i :. (32) In those forest-groves here and there at various places there are multitudes of small wells, wells, lotus-pools, oblong wells (straight rivers) zigzag rivers, series of lakes and well arrang