heads are of gold, the bones of the head are of adamant, the skin from which the roots of hair grow is of shining gold, and the hair areof Rittha jewels. It is ( further ) stated that: at the back of each of those idols of Jinas (conquerors ), there are idols of umbrellaholders. Those images of umbrella-holders, are gracefully holding the white umbrellas, wreaths and garlands of Korant flowers, having the extremely white lustre like that of the snow, silver, Jasmine and moon. It is expounded that on both the sides of each of those prophets, there are located, idols of the holders
of 'Chammarās ( chowries ) holding there, the . Chammarās' made of costly and chaste gold,
studded with multifarious types of jewels and precious stones. In front of each of those idols of prophets, there are two Nāga images, Bhuya ( a type of demi-god ) images, Jakkha (demi-god ) images, Kūudadhār images, and all of them are made of precious stones and superfine [.upto ] are installed there. In. front of those idols of prophets, there are one hundred eight bells, one-hurdred eight pitchers, one-hundred eight jars, and the same number of mirrors, dishes, particular types of dishes,