varieties, all kinds of medicinal herbs and rapeseeds; having done so, they went to the region where there was Nandan forest; having done so, (they took) all pulses (upto] all kinds of medioinal herbs, rape-seeds, and fresh Gosīs sandal (which was) full of juice; having done so, they went to the part where there was Somanas forest and (took) all pulses [ upto ] all medicinal herbs, rape-seeds fresh Gosīs sandal full of juice, divine garland of flowers and fragrant powders, highly scented with Daddar sandal from Malaya mountain; having done so, they gathered together; having done so with that excellent gait [upto ] approached to the place where there was Sohamma heaven, Sūriyābha aþodę, coronation hall, and Sūriyādha god; having done so, joining the palms of the hands and touching the folded hands to the forehead congratulated him with victory and success; having done so, they made preparations for that costly, precious, exorbitant and magnificent installation. Thereafter four-thousand gods of Sāmāniya class, chief queens with their paraphernalia, three congregations, seven commanders of the armies [ upto ] multitudes of other residential gods and goádesses dwelling in