Rãypaseniya-sutta. :
Pepper-bettle, the bowers of Atimuktak creeper, and enclosures intermingled with strong cr... eepers such as Affovagā and Māluya creepers.All those are extraordinary and made of jewels all in all [ upto ] splendid. In those bowers of Jāi flowers [ upto ] enclosures of Mā. luyā creepers (a kind of creeper the fruit of which coptains stones), there are many slabs of stones and well arranged seats having the shape of swans ['upto ] seats having the shape of Disa-sotthiya'. It is also stated that there are many other slabs of stones having excellent shapes and which are soft and smooth.' Ob ! long lived ascetic those are very smooth just like the contact of the hide of deer, cotton fibre, ‘Bur' plant, butter, and excellent cotton. All these are made of precious stones and are extraordinary [ upto ] eminent. There, multitudes of residential gods and goddesses sit, liedown, stand, sleep, ease, laugh, play, fondle, relax (recline) pastime, enjoy sensual pleasures and experience the blessed consequences and fruits of glorious, and meritorious actions of previous birth and of ancient time, which were: well accomplished and achieved.