gems, and the parts of those ornaments being slightly touched by the wind blowing from the east, west, acrth and south, were moved, shaken, and waved to and fro slowly and slowly, giving out gingling sound which was great, highly pleasing, capturing the heart, producing feelings of joy in mind and ears, and pervading the whole of the space of that part by noise and shining with exceedingly charming glory. Then that servile god created four-thousand auspicious seats for four-thousand Sāmāniya celestial beings of Sūriyābha god, to the western, northern, and north-eastern sides of that throne. He begetted four-thousand propitious seats, to the eastern direction of that throne, for four chief queens of Sūriyābha god with their retinue. He produced there eight-thousand auspicious seats to the southeastern direction of the throne for eight-thousand celestial beings who were the members of internal-assembly of Sūriyābha god. In the same way he created to the southern direction ten-thousand propitious seats for ten-thousand celestial beings who were the counsellors of middle-chamber, and to the south-eastern direction begeted twelve thousand auspicious