Bhaggai (Bhagnajit) A Kṣatriya mendicant and his followers.1
1. Aup. 38.
Bhaggavesa (Bhargaveśa)
1. Sur. 50, Jam. 159.
1. NisCu. III. p. 150.
Same as Accamkariya-Bhaṭṭā.1
Bhadaga (Bhataka)
A Milikkhu (non-Aryan) country and its people. It is perhaps the same as Bhadraka or Madraka of the Puraṇas which is identified with the district round Sialkot.2
1. Pras. 4, Praj. 37.
2. See SGAMI. p. 24, f.n. 2.
Bhattapariņṇā (Bhaktaparijñā)
A canonical text dealing with abandoning of food. It consists of 172 verses. It is said to be composed by Virabhadda(2).3 See also Painnaga.
1. Atu. 8, DasH. p. 27, PakY. p. 65, Mar. 662.
3. Bhadda
Family-name of the constellation Bharani.1
1. Bhadda (Bhadra) Son of prince Mahakala(2) and grandson of king Sepia (1). He took to asceticism and observed monkhood for four years. After death he was born as a god in the Sanamkumara(1) heavenly region.1
1. Nir. 2.3.
1. Mahan. p. 160.
2. Bhadda A celestial abode in Mahasukka(1) where gods live maximum for sixteen Sägaropama years.1
1. Sam. 16.
7. Bhadda
2. Bhak. 172.
3. Ibid. 171.
A preceptor having five hundred nuns under him.1
1. Mar. 502.
Jain Education International
4. Bhadda kkhatta(2).1
1. Kalp (Theravali). 7, KalpV. p. 264.
5. Bhadda Disciple of arya Kalaga(4) and teacher of sthavira Vuddha.1 1. Kalp (Theravali). 7, KalpV. p. 265.
6. Bhadda Son of king Jiyasattu(22) of Savatthi. He had taken to asceticism. He forbore the affliction caused by the touch of thorny grass.1 1. UttN. and UttS. p. 122, UttCu. p. 79, UttK. p. 70.
Same as Thulabhadda.1
Disciple of arya Sivabhai(2) and teacher of sthavira Na
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