of the extant portion of GM., only 170 are common with S, and only the सुजन, दुर्जन, राजचाटु, दान and parts of the षड़ऋतुवर्णन and Paddhatis of GM. have substantial correspondence insofar as the selection (but not the number and sequence) of the verses is concerned. For the rest of the groups there are many omissions and several additions. Regarding the new verses we find GM. to be in substantial agreement with the R recension. Besides the numerous verses which are absent in the Vulgate but which GM. commonly shares with S and R, there are 15 verses in GM. which are absent in S but available in R. Moreover, there are 7 verses in GM. which are exclusively found in the T recension, 3 verses. which are not found in any recension, but which Weber has noted as citations in the Alamkara literature, 2 verses which, although found in the Vulgate, are absent in S, and 15 which are not found in any recension and indeed not noted by Weber.
A most remarkable oddity to be noted about GM. in this connection is that it has included several verses which are not in the Gatha metre. The prominently glaring case is that of 29 verses in Skandhaka metre, all borrowed from the tenth Aśvāsaka of the Setubandha. The Sūryāstamana, Sandhya, Timira and Candrodayapaddhatis are constituted exclusively with these verses (excepting the last verse in the Candrodaya-paddhati). Besides this, I 2, I 8, II 6, III 14 are Skandhakas. Of these III 14 is the same as Setubandha III 10. 14 and XII 12 are Gitis, the former being the same as the second Culika Paiśācī verse cited by Hemacandra under Siddhahema VIII iv 326 (the first verse, known to be the Mangala verse of the lost Bṛhatkatha and cited by Hemadandra under that Sūtra as also by Bhoja in the Śṛngaraprakāśa is also found in GM. as I 3), and the latter is identical with the fourth verse in the Prastāvanā of the Abhijñāna-śākuntala. Lastly, VI 16 in the Aparavaktra metre is also taken from the Sakuntala. It appears there as the opening verse of the fifth act.
One more fact to be noted about GM. is that some of the verses it exclusively shares with S and/or R are also found in