Prakrit and Apabhramśa Studies
MS. A. बुद्धरूपे जो दोणवसुरांव(वंच)डणि(D. पंचउणि) MS. A. वेददूषण बोल्लड(G. उ)णि माया मोहिया, MS. A. तो(D. ना) दे उमाझि पासाठ करु ।।
The restored text :
बुद्ध-रूपे जो दाणव-सुरा वंचउणि, वेद-दूषण बोल्ल उणि, माया-मोहिया;
तो देउ माझि पसाउ करु ॥ ‘May that God, who in the form of Buddha deceived and confused, by his delusive power, all the gods and demons (?), propounding the flaws of Vedic teaching, show favours to us.'
8. The illustration of Caturangaka in a mixture of various languages given at IV 16 354 :
MS. A. यः स्रष्टा चतुराननस्य विबुधस्त्राणैकबद्धस्थितिः MS. A. पदारविदरसलोकं दोदनीलप्यहे ॥ (MS. D. जोलवी वयणारविंदभसललोकंदोंदनीरुप्यहो ।)
MS. A. जोगोची(पी)जणे गाह(इ)जे बहु परि रूपे निहीं । (MS. D. जो गोवीजणे गाइजे बहुपरी रूपी तिन्हो)
MS. A. गोमयसैकः शेशनलेसु लघुशशजण भासवंकसे ॥ (MS. D. गामय । शेकश्रेशमलेषुकरपुराजणे पालेदिशबंकशे ॥)
The restored text :
यः स्रष्टा चतुराननस्य विबुध-त्राणैक-बद्ध-स्थितिः । जो लच्छी-वयणारविंद-भसलो कंदोट्ट-नील-प्पहो । जो गोपीजणि गाइजे बहु-परी रूपि तिन्ही गोमटो(?) ।
शे कशे शमलेश लक्शश-जणे मालेदि शव्वंकशे ॥ "He, who is the creator of the four-faced god (Brahman), who is committed to the task of saving gods from distress, who is like a bee towards the lotus-face of Laksmi, who has dark lustre, who is being praised variously in songs by the cowherdesses, who has a lovely form (?). has killed Kamsa and all the other demons in battles'.