Book Title: Agam 10 Ang 10 Prashna Vyakaran Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Varunmuni, Sanjay Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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restraint, celibacy and the like are all useless. They do not produce any good result. Simultaneously violence, falsehood, stealing, non-celibacy,
attachments and the like which are considered bad also go in vain 45 without awarding any ill fruit of such a conduct.
The belief in existence of hell, heavenly abode, liberation and the like is all a creation of imagination. So one should not hesitate in satisfying
his senses. He should enjoy life. He should remain absorbed in physical 456 and sensual enjoyments. He should discard pondering over what is dharma and what is adharma.
The thinking process that arises by not accepting the age-old existence of soul is extremely frightening. It causes downfall of the soul. \ It is a challenge to social conduct, morality, ethical behaviour and good
conduct. In case all the human beings start believing this philosophy of 55 Nastikavad, there shall be disorder all around in the world. All the social restraints and code of conduct shall wither away. मृषावादी-असदभाववादी का मत BELIEF OF ASADBHAVAVADI
४८. इमं वि बितियं कुदंसणं असम्भाववाइणो पण्णवेंति मूढा-संभूओ अंडगाओ लोगो। सयंभुणा सयं य णिम्मिओ। एवं एवं अलियं पयंपंति।
४८. (वामलोकवादी नास्तिकों के अतिरिक्त) कोई-कोई असद्भाववादी-मिथ्यावादी मूढ़ जन । दूसरा कुदर्शन-मिथ्यामत इस प्रकार कहते हैं
यह लोक अण्डे से उद्भूत-प्रकट हुआ है। इस लोक का निर्माण स्वयं स्वयंभू ने किया है। इस प्रकार वे मिथ्या कथन करते हैं।
48. (In addition to Vamlokavadi nastiks there are non-believers in existence of soul). These are believers in wrong faith namely ___asadbhavavadi. They propound as follows
This world has originated from an egg. Svayambhu himself has created this world. Thus they speak false doctrine.
विवेचन : सृष्टि की उत्पत्ति के सम्बन्ध में प्राचीनकाल से भिन्न-भिन्न धारणाएँ, मान्यताएँ चलती रहीं हैं। उसमें से यहाँ दो मतों का उल्लेख किया गया है तथा यह भी स्पष्ट कर दिया गया है कि यह वाद-कथन , वास्तविक नहीं है। अज्ञानी जन इस प्रकार की प्ररूपणा करते हैं।
श्री प्रश्नव्याकरण सूत्र
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