Book Title: Agam 10 Ang 10 Prashna Vyakaran Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Varunmuni, Sanjay Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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fi 74. Their limb are tortured as they commit any of the eighteen types!
of thefts. The thieves are thus of eighteen types. Their condition is extremely pitiable. Their lips, throats, tongues and palates get dried up. They lose hope of survival. They beg water as they feel extremely thirsty but they do not get water. The officials pull them and push them into the prison. Drums producing very harsh sounds are beaten. They are pushed to the place of hanging by the state officials. They are tightly held by the state officials and the hangmen in a state of extreme anger for hanging
them on the scaffold. They are cursed brutally. The persons who have 6 been awarded capital punishment have to wear two special clothes. They
are made to wear the garland of Kaner flowers of red colour. It appears like guardian of death. It indicates that the said criminal is going to be hanged soon. They perspire due to the fear of death. Their limbs become moist and muddy due to perspiration. Coal-like black powder is pasted
on their body. Their hair are dusty and dry due to flying dust sticking in i F them. They move in a zig-zag manner in an extremely frightened condition. They feel giddy. They are frightened of the hangman.
Their body is reduced to tiny pieces like sesame seeds. They are made to eat small blood stained pieces of their own flesh. They are beaten with
pointed stones which are hard and rough. There collects a crowd of men F and women to see that dreadful scene. The citizens see them in this
condition. Then they are dressed up in the apparel meant for the prisoner who has been awarded capital punishment. They are taken out
through the town. At that times those thieves are seen in a very 5 wretched condition. They are without any protection or shelter. They are
orphans. The relatives, family members discard them. They look around in a pitiable condition (so that some one may help them). They feel extremely bewildered due to the fear of death. Later they are brought to the scaffold ground and hanged on the scaffold. Thus there souls become separated from their bodies.
विवेचन : प्राचीन काल में चोरी करना कितना भारी अपराध गिना जाता था और चोरी करने वालों को ! कैसा भीषण दण्ड दिया जाता था, यह तथ्य इस वर्णन से स्पष्ट हो जाता है।
कल्पना कीजिए उस वीभत्स दृश्य की, जब वध्य का वेष धारण किये चोर नगर के बीच फिराया जा रहा । हो ! उसके शरीर पर प्रहार हो रहे हों, अंग काटे जा रहे हों और उसी का माँस उसी को खिलाया जा रहा हो, ! नर-नारियों के झुण्ड के झुण्ड उस दृश्य को देखने के लिए उमड़े हुए हों। उस समय अभागे चोर की मनोभावनाएँ किस प्रकार की होती होंगी? चोर को दिये जाने वाले घोर दण्ड की कल्पना से ही रोंगटे खडे हो Gide
| श्रु.१, तृतीय अध्ययन : अदत्तादान आश्रव
( 157 )
Sh.1, Third Chapter : Stealing Aasrava
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