Book Title: Agam 10 Ang 10 Prashna Vyakaran Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Varunmuni, Sanjay Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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इस प्रकार ज्ञातकुलनन्दन महात्मा महावीर जिनेश्वर देव ने पूर्वोक्त परिग्रहरूप आस्रवद्वार कहा है। अनेक प्रकार की चन्द्रकान्त आदि मणियों, स्वर्ण, कर्केतन आदि रत्नों तथा बहुमूल्य अन्य द्रव्यरूप यह परिग्रह निर्लोभता सुखरूप मोक्षमार्ग के लिए अर्गला के समान प्रतिरोधक है। इस प्रकार यह अन्तिम आस्रवद्वार समाप्त हुआ।
1124 Tata GR 18 || 97. The persons deeply absorbed in feeling of attachment (parigraha) i adversely affect their present life and also the next life, their happiness
and the peace of mind. They go astray from the right path. They remain 41 overpowered by the dreadful darkness of ignorance. They lose sense of discrimination due to the effect of serious deluding Karma. As a result of their greed, the mobile, immobile, subtle and gross living beings wander about in the mundane world of continuous chain of birth, death and rebirth consisting of four states of existence in various forms-complete i and incomplete.
Such result of adharm in the form of attachment provides very little happiness and extreme trouble in this life and in succeeding life. It is full i of dreadful fear. It is the cause of thick bondage of Karma. It is harsh, troublesome and cause of pain. One can be free from this bondage only after serious efforts lasting for a very long period of thousands of years. One can never discard it without experiencing its consequences.
Bhagavan Mahavir has propounded that parigraha is a hurdle in the path of liberation. This parigraha (attachment) leads to collection of many types of precious stones, gold, jewels and other valuables. It dries up happiness. Thus the last door of inflow is concluded.
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श्रु.१, पंचम अध्ययन : परिग्रह आश्रय
( 243 )
Sh.1, Fifth Chapter : Attachment Aasrava
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