Book Title: Agam 10 Ang 10 Prashna Vyakaran Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Varunmuni, Sanjay Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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6. Shaiksh–It means newly initiated.
7. Saudharmik-It means monks who have similar dress and fallow y the same code.
8. Kula-It means the group under the same teacher. 9. Gana-It means formation that consists of many groups (Kuls).
10. Sangh-The organisation of monks, nuns, householder devotees both male and female.
All these should be served with a desire to shed Karma and not for any fame. The omniscient has termed it as internal austerity. It provides two benefits-one who serves sheds his Karmas, secondly one who has
been served gets equanimity, peace and comfort. 45. A question arises that it is bad to criticise others, to caste aspersion 5
on others, but how far it is proper to call it stealing (adattadan). It is said that a person who criticise others or has hatred for others, he
cannot practice the vow of non-stealing. But why is it so ? 4i Acharya Abhayadev has replied to it in the following manner
Stealing (adatt-not offered) is of four types--not offered by the owner, not offered by a living being, not offered by Trithankar and not offered by the teacher.
Criticism is not an offering by the person who is being criticised, or the Tirthankar or by the spiritual master. Similarly condemnation is also not offered by the person condemned, the Tirthankar or the spiritual master. So such an activity is practicing stealing (adattadan). The person who has discarded adattadan, he should not indulge in criticising or
condemning others or having hatred towards others. __ अस्तेय व्रत की आराधना का फल ADVANTAGE OF ITS PRACTICE
१३३. इमं च परदव्वहरणवेरमणपरिरक्खणट्ठयाए पावयणं भगवया सुकहियं अत्तहियं पेच्चाभावियं ॐ आगमेसिभई सुद्धं णेयाउयं अकुडिलं अणुत्तरं सव्वदुक्खपावाणं विउवसमणं।
१३३. यह अचौर्य व्रत्त के सिद्धान्त रूप प्रवचन भगवान तीर्थंकर देव ने भलीभांति फरमाया है। + यह प्रवचन आत्मा के लिए हितकारी है, आगामी भव में शुभ फल प्रदान करने वाला और भविष्य में है
कल्याणकारी है। यह प्रवचन शुद्ध है, न्याय-युक्ति-तर्क से संगत है, कुटिलता से रहित है, सर्वोत्तम है - ॐ तथा समस्त दुःखों और पापों को विशेष रूप से शान्त कर देने वाला है।
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श्री प्रश्नव्याकरण सूत्र
( 334 )
Shri Prashna Vyakaran Sutra
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