Book Title: Agam 10 Ang 10 Prashna Vyakaran Sutra Sthanakvasi
Author(s): Amarmuni, Varunmuni, Sanjay Surana
Publisher: Padma Prakashan
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8555555555555555555555555555555555558 卐 अपराध पैदा होते हैं-(१) ऋद्दि, (२) रस, तथा (३) साता रूप तीन गौरव-सम्पत्ति, गरिष्ट भोज्य
पदार्थों एवं सुख-साधनों की प्राप्ति का अहंकार उत्पन्न होता है, क्रोधादि चार कषाय होते हैं। इसी में आहारसंज्ञा, भयसंज्ञा, मैथुनसंज्ञा और परिग्रह नामक चारों संज्ञाएँ होती हैं, इन्द्रियों के शब्दादि विषय तथा हिंसादि पाँच आस्रवद्वार, इन्द्रियविकार तथा कृष्ण, नील एवं कापोत नामक तीन अशुभ लेश्याएँ होती हैं। परिग्रह के कारण ही स्वजनों के साथ संयोग सम्बन्ध होते हैं। और परिग्रहवान् असीम-अनन्त सचित्त, अचित्त एवं मिश्र-द्रव्यों को ग्रहण करने की इच्छा करते हैं।
देवों, मनुष्यों और असुरों सहित इस त्रस-स्थावररूप जगत् में जिनेन्द्र भगवन्तों-तीर्थंकरों ने (पूर्वोक्त स्वरूप वाले) लोभ-परिग्रह का प्रतिपादन किया है। (वास्तव में) परिग्रह के समान संसार में 卐 अन्य कोई दूसरा फंदा पाश व प्रतिबन्ध नहीं है।
96. Many persons learn arts of hundreds of types for parigraha (increasing attachment to wealth). In order to gain expertise of highest quality, they learn seventy two arts of men which include art of writing, mathematics and learning the language of birds. Women learn sixty four arts that produce sensual enjoyment. With the help of such education, they serve the elite. Some persons train themselves in handling swords and other weapons. Some learn the art of writing. Some learn agriculture. Some learn trade and commerce. Some learn law to dispense justice. Some learn economics, political science while some get military training. Some learn astrology to overcome effect of constellations. Thus by engaging themselves in hundreds of suchlike causes of parigraha, many people remain disturbed throughout their life. They remain slaves
of attachment. They have low intellect. They remain engaged in i increasing wealth that causes attachment.
People cause violence to living beings due to attachment to wealth (parigraha). They tell a lie. They cheat others. They mix low quality substance and declare the mixture as of best quality. They are greedy for property of others. They experience physical weakness and mental agony in mating with their own wife. They experience mental distress when they are unable to have the woman belonging to others. They resort to quarrel and inimical behaviour due to this attachment for wealth. They undergo troubles and dishonour. They remain continuously obsessed in efforts of satisfying their mighty desires and ambitions. They remain engaged in craving what they do no have and the greed for it. They are without any protection. They have no control over their senses. They remain engrossed in passions like anger, greed, ego and deceit.
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श्री प्रश्नव्याकरण सूत्र
Shri Prashna Vyakaran Sutra
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