Book Title: Lexicographical Studies In Jaina Sanskrit
Author(s): B J Sandesara, J P Thaker
Publisher: Oriental Institute

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Page 16
________________ Io उत्पातिका adj. unusual, startling, springing forth immediately. उत्पातिकामतिः present-witted'. 34. 6. उद्गमनीय n. 'a pair of bleached cloths or sheets' (M. Wills.). Here, however, it seems to be some sort of ornament. fafaqatt37721 गतेन कमनीयेनोद्मनीयेनालकृततनुः..पञ्चोपचारविधिभिः शिवमभ्यर्च्य 85.3-7. उद्+/ग्रह (causal) to collect revenues or to draw tributes. cf. Guj. उघरावq. उहाह्य 13.1; 75.6; उहाहितम् ' the collected tribute'. 32.20; cf. Guj. उघराणुं. उवाहितेन 65.15; उद्घाहितद्रव्ये याच्यमाने 65. 17; also 65. 18-19. उदाहणक n. collection of revenue. उहाहणकहेतवे 12. 24. cf. Guj. उघराणुं. उद् + Vतृ to be dislocated. cf. Guj. ऊतरी जवू. उत्तार्य 22. 2. cf. Guj. उतारी नाखवं. उत्तारितेषु 22.2. उद् + /दल् to snatch away. उद्दाल्य 21. 23. उद्भटपटयुग n. a pair of excellent garments. 114. 29. उपदा f. a present (offered to a king ). 33. 273; 34. 4, 5. उपयाम m. a marriage. 105. 2. उपयाचिती-VF to make an offering, especially to the deities, to render them propitious. 105.4. उपसर्ग m. an obstacle ( in penance etc.). 93.4; II9. 18. [A Jaina technical term.] उपांशुभूमि f. a place devoid of living beings. III. 24. उल्लाघलान n. the bath of convalescence. 88. 17. " ऊर्ध्वस्फोट m. probably, one of the three authorised ways of committing suicide viz. falling from a steep and lofty place such as a mountain-peak. 68. 31. ओतु m., f. a cat. 74.17. __n. a herd of camels (belonging to a Mleccha ruler of Sapa dalaksa). II7. 20. कङ्कणोत्कीर्ण 'adj. engraved on a bracelet. तथा हि, कङ्कणोत्कीर्णमार्याचतुष्टयमेतत् 25.22. [This refers to the custom of getting engraved good aphorisms on the bracelets so that one can read the same very often and do actions accordingly. ] ककृतिका f. a small comb (especially used by ladies ). 108. 18. cf. Guj.सी. m. red with saffron (?), title of a religious pontiff. 18. 20. [v... कुंकूलोल, कंकरौल, कुंकूौल ]. औष्टिक कङ्कलोल


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