- 170 :nence of the substance is taken into account (ignoring the aspect of transitori-ness). pajjaya gauņam kiccă davvam pi ya jo hu ginhai
Jaina Pāribhāșika Sabdakosa Dvicakṣuḥ That Jiva (living being), which has two types of eyes—That Jiva which has the ordinary eyes (the organ of vision) and also the extra-sensory perception in the form of clairvoyance, e.g., Devas (gods). deve bicakkhu. devo dvicakṣuḥ cakşurindriyāvadhibhyām.
(Sthā 3.499 Vr Pa 161)
so davvatthiya bhanio vivario pajjayatthiņao..
(NaCa 189) davvatthiyassa savvam sayā aṇuppannamavinattham. uppajjamti niyamti ya bhāvā niyamena pajjavanayassa..
(SaPra 1.11) See- Paryava Naya, Paryāyārthika Naya.
Dravyāstika Naya
(Sapra 1.3)
See-Dravyārthika Naya.
Dravyendriya Sense-organ quâ physical—The (organic) structure of the sense-organ as well as efficiency i.e., capacity which makes it responsive to sensory perception. davvimdiyāim' ti nirvyttyupakaraṇalakṣaṇāni.
(Bhaga 1.341 Vr)
Dvitiyapada Conduct observed as an exception—The provision made in the code of ascetic conduct, according to which the ascetic (Muni), under certain specific (exceptional) conditions, is permitted to follow such conduct which is exceptional to general rules. biiyapada teņa sāvaya, bhikkhe vā kārane va āgādhe. kajjuvahi magara chubbhana, nāvodaga tampi jatanae..
(BrBhā 5663)
Dvādaśabhakta Fasting for five days at a stretch-A type of Anasana (fasting). dvādasamupavāsapancakalaksanam tapa iti.
(PrasāVPa 169) duvālasamena..........dirapancakānantaram bhuktavān.
(ABhā 9.4.7)
Dvitiyasamavasarana Duration of eight months excluding the rainy season (during which the ascetic is allowed to undertake travelling). It is also called Rtubaddhakāla or sesakāla.
(BrBhā 4235 Vr) See-Prathamasamavasaraņa.
Dvādaśānga The Śrutapuruşa (the (metaphorical) canonical man) which has 12 limbs viz., Acāra, Sūtraksta etc.. (See figure on p.....). 'dvādasānga' śrutaparamapuruṣottamasyārgānīvārgāni dvādasa angāniācārādini yasmimstad dvādasāngam.
(Nandi 65 HÔVr p.64) duvālasamgam ganipidakam, tam jahā—āyāro, süyagado, thāṇam, samavāo, viyāhapannatti, nāyādhammakahāo, uvāsagadasāo, amtagadadasão, anuttarovavāiyadasão, paṇhāvāgaraņāim, vivāgasuyam, ditthivão. (Nandi 65)
Dvidhākhā Śreni A type of ākāśaśreņi (Śreņi (1) (the row of spaceunits)); that ākāśasreni, through which the soul of a Sthāvara Jiva (living being incapable of undertaking locomotion), passes during Antarālagati (motion of the Jiva (soul) after death in the space), when it enters from anyone side (right or left) of the Trasanādi (central cylindrical part of the cosmos, wherein the living beings capable of undertaking locomotion can inhabit), taking two or three
→ Right turns, takes re-birth on the other side of it
Trasanādi at its destined,
Left place; thus it touches (passes through the space on both the sides-left as well as right-of the Tråsanādi, and hence, the Sreņi is called Dvidhākhā Sreņi (Kha means space). The motion of the physical substance will also be in the same way.
Dvādaśāngi That ascetic (Muni), who has the knowledge of the Dvādasānga (the twelve Angas (principal canonical works)).
(Aupa 26) See-Samastaganipițakadhar.