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Jaina Pāriblāșika Sabdakosa
nayānāmekanisthānām, pravrtteh srutavartma
tihetutvād vā smrtirmanaḥ. tasyah smrteh pranidhānarūpāyāḥ samanvāharanam samanvāhārah.....ekatānamanoniveśanam...
(Tavā 9.31 Vr) arthāntaracintanādādhikyenāharaṇamekatrāvarodhah samanvāhārah. smrteh samanvāhāraḥ smrtisamanvāhāraḥ.
(Tavā 9.30)
sampūrņārthaviniscāyi, syādvādasrutamucyate..
(Nyāyā 30)
Syāt An indeclinable participle indicative of predicate; it is used in dravyamimāmsā (metaphysics) to connote the indication of context (apeksā) (in the sense of 'in some respect or 'in a particular context'). niyamaņisehanasilo nipādanādo ya jo hu khalu siddho. so siyasaddo bhaņio jo sāvekkham pasāhedi..
(Naca 253)
Svakāyasastra Weapon of one's own kind-A type of Sastra (weapon or instrument of violence); that animate or inanimate substance, which, when used, kills a living being belonging to its own class (kāya); E.g.-black soil (earth-bodied being) acts as the weapon for the yellow soil (earth-bodied being). svakāyasastram-yathā krsnainsttikā pitam! ttikāyāh.
(ABhā 1.19) parakāyasastram-yathā agnih. tadubhayasastram-yathā mrtikāmisritajalam.
(ÄBhā 1.19) See-Parakāyasastra.
Syād Avaktavya Inexpressible in some respect-One of the predications of the Saptabhangi (sevenfold predictions); a Vastu (3) (the object of valid cognition), several (i.e. more than one) modes of which cannot be expressed simultaneously; for example--the own nature and alien nature as well as the present, past and future modes of an aggregate composed of two Paramāņus (i.e., a dyadpossessed of two Pradeśas (the indivisible units of the substance)) can not be expressed simultaneously; hence, it is "inexpressible in some respect". tadubhayassa ādiţthe avattavvam dupaesie khamdhe--āyāti ya noāyāti ya. (Bhaga 12.219)
Svadārasamtosa The fourth vow of the lay follower's code of conduct; to abstain from sexual intercourse with any man/woman other than one's spouse. sadārasamtosie parimānam karei nannattha ekkāe sivanamdãe bhārijāe, avasesam savvam mehunavihim paccakkhāi.
(UPa 1.27)
Svapnanimitta A branch of astānga mahānimitta (the eightfold science of progntostication); the science which fortells with certitude about the happiness and miseries that are going to occur on the basis of the dreams that are seen in the last watch of night. vātapittaslesmadosodayarahitasya pascimaratribhāge candrasüryadharādrisamudramukhapravesana....āgāmijivitamaranasukhaduḥkhādyāvirbhāvakah svapnah. (Tavā 3.36)
Syādvāda Conditional dialectics-The (logical) system of exposition of the Vastu (3) (the object of valid cognition), possessed of infinite number of attributes, by taking cognizance of a single attribute and without discarding the rest of others. arpaņānarpaņābhyāmanekāntātmakārthapratipādanapaddhatiḥ syādvādaḥ. (Bhiksu 4.7) Syādvāda Sruta That śruta (scriptural or verbal knowledge) through which ascertainment of the whole object (the Vastu (3) (object of valid organ of cognition), consisting of multiple character)) is made.
Svabhāva Paryāya Intrinsic mode-That mode (transformation) of an entity, which occurs naturally, indepenently of anything else to cause it. paranimiitānapeksah svabhāvaparyāyaḥ.
(Jaisidi 1.44)
Svayambuddha Self-enlightened ascetic-That ascetic (Muni), who gets initiated after becoming enlightened