Jaina Päribhăşika Sabdakosa
jätam tadevālocayati nanyam doşam.
(Sthā 10.70 Vr Pa 460)
Yantrapidanakarma A kind of Karmādāna (occupation involving great bondage of Karma); occupation such as squeezing sugarcane, sesamum etc. in the crusher and trading in (the appliances such as) stone-slab, mortar (for pounding grain in), pestle etc... jamtapilanakamme' tti yantrena tilekşvädinām yatpidanam tadeva karmma yantrapidanakarmma.
(Bhaga 8.242 Vr) Yamaniya
(Bhaga 18.206) See-Indriyayamaniya, Noindriyayamaniya.
(Suklā: Bright Moon: Krsnā: Dark Moon) javamajjhannam camdapadimam padivannassa........amāvāsāe se ya abhattatthe bhavai.
(Vya 10.3) Yavika A division of the Pürvagata Sruta (canonical work which is a division of the Drstivāda (12h Anga (principal canonical work)); - it describes the āyusreni (series of life-span). An ascetic who is Pūrvadhara (possessed of the knowledge of the fourteen Purvas (canonical works of earlier lore)) can know the life-span of a human being, a god etc. by concentration himself on the Yavika. javiehim kira bhaniyā āūsedhi, tattha uvautta āyariyā jāva pecchamti āum varisasatamahiyam do tinni vā....jāva do sāgarovamāim thiti.......
(ĀvaHÔVr1 p. 206)
Yavamadhya An unit of linear measurement; 8 Yükā= 1 Yavamadhya. See-Yükā.
(Anu 399)
Yavamadhyā Candrapratimā. That Candrapratimā, in which the practitioner of this course begins his penance on the first day of the bright moon by taking only one Datti (food, drinks etc. given to the ascetic, without breaking the flow) each of food and drink in meals (once a day); the number of Datties is increased on each successive days up to 15 Datties each of food and drink) on the full moon day, after which there is decrease in number of Datties on each successive days up to one Datti on the 14th day of dark moon and lastly observing complete fast on the dark moon day. (See table).
Yaśaḥkirtināma A type of Nāma (body-making) Karma; due to the Udaya (rise) of which the Jiva (soul) earns name and fame. sarvajanorkirtaniyagunatā yaśaḥekadeśagāmini punyakytā vā kirttih te yadudayavasādbhavatastadyaśaḥkirttināma. (Prajia 23.38 V? Pa 475)
Number of
Number of
Yācanā Parīşaha A type of Parişaha (hardship); the ascetic (Muni) should not let down himself by the feeling of inferiority that may arise due to begging bhikṣā (accepting food etc. by going to houses for collecting them in conformity with the canonical instruction)) for the sustenance of his ascetic life. dukkaram khalu bho! niccam, anagarassa bhikkhuņo. savvam se jāiyam hoi, natthi kimci ajāiyam.. goyaraggapavitthassa, pāņi no suppasārae. seo agāravāsu tti, ii bhikkhū na cimtae..
FU 2.28, 29) Yācani A kind of Asatyāmrşā (Vyavahāra) Bhāṣā