Jaina Pāribhāsika Sabdakosa Vaikriyaśarīrabamdhananāma A sub-type of Nāma (body-making) Karma; the Udaya (rise) of which is responsible for the establishment of the mutual bond between the Pudgalas of Vaikriya Sarira (the material clusters of the protean body), which have already been appropriated and which are being appropriated, and also their bond with the Pudgalas (material clusters) of Taijasa Sarira (fiery body) and Kärmana-sarira (subtlemost body formed by Karma-pudgalas (material clusters quâ Karma)). yadudayād vaikriyapudgalānām grhitānām grhyamāṇānām ca parasparam taijasakārmanapudgalaiśca saha sambandhaḥ tadvaikriyabamdhanam.
(Prajñā 23.43 V? Pa 470)
Vaitādhyagiri Name of the mountain which is the habitat of the Vidyadharas (a human race endowed with supernatural powers) and which divides the Bharataksetra into two parts-South Bharata and North Bharata. bharatakşetramadhye pūrvāparāyata ubhayatah samudramavagādho vaitādhyaparvatah, şadyojanāni sakrosāni dharanimavagādhaḥ pañcāśad vistaratah pañcavimsatyucchritaḥ.. vaitādhyaparvato dakşiņottarārdhavibhāgakāri vidyādharādhivāsaḥ.
(Ta Bhā 3.11 V, p. 256)
Vaikriya Samudghāta Expansion (projection) of soul-units (outside the body) by the protean body-A type of Samudghāta (expansion of the soul-units beyond the body); it occurs for undertaking the process of Vikriyā (creation of protean forms). vaikurvikasamudghātasamuddhatastu jivapradeśān sarīrādbahirniskāsya śårīraviskambhabāhalyamātramāyāmatasca samkhyeyāni yojanāni damdam nisrjati nisrjya ca yathästhūlān vaikriyasariranāmakarmapudgalān prāgbaddhān sātayati.
(Sama 7.2 Vr Pa 11)
Vaidāranikā Kriyā
(Sthā 2.29) SeeVidāraṇākriyā. Vaidika Vyavasāya The Vyavasāya (convictions and rituals) made on the basis of vedas (the Vedic texts).
(Sthā 3.395) See—Vyavasāya. Vaidharmya Drşțāmta That type of Drstānta (example in logical inference), in which the non-existence of the Sādhana (proban or middle term) in absence of the Sādhya (probandum or major term) is definitely exhibited, e.g. there is no smoke in the absence of fire, for example-a water-tank. yatra tu sādhyābhāve sādhanasyāvasyamabhavah pradarsyate, sa vaidharmyadrştāntaḥ.
(Pranata 3.47) yathāgnyabhāve na bhavatyeva dhūmo, yathā jalāśaye.
(Pranata 3.48)
Vaijayanta The second heaven of the Anuttaravimāna (the highest heaven of the Empyrean gods).
(TaBhā 4.20) See-Aparājita.
Vaitarani One of the fifteen types of Paramādhārmika Deva (a type of Asurakumāra Deva (a kind of Mansion-dwelling god) who inflict pain to the infernal beings); those Asura Devas (demons), who are the custodians of the infernal being and who set them afloat in the Vaitarani, a very dreadful river, full of very hot water, filled with pus, blood, hair and bones. püya-ruhira-kesatthi, vāhiņi kalakalamta jalasoyā. veyaraņinarayapālā, neraie ū pavahemti..
(SūtraNi 80)
Vainayiki Buddhi 1. A type of Aśrutanisrita Matijñāna (perceptual cognition not based on any verbal symbol); the intellect born of modesty (humility and loyalty) towards knowledge and the knowledgable one; it is capable of carrying any burden, i.e., bearing any responsibility; it is the one which imbues the essence of the Sūtra (2) (canonical aphorisms) and the artha (meaning or purport) related with the trivarga (i.e., dharma, artha and käma); it is fruitful in both the worlds (i.e., this and the one beyond). vinayo-guruśuśruşā saprayojanamasyā iti vainayiki.
(NandiMaVr Pa 144)