Auspicious type of Karma-That Karma-prakṛti, which is compounded with auspicious Rasa (2) (fruition) (which is instrumental in creating delight); e.g-Sata Vedaniya (pleasure-experiencing) Karma, Tirathankara Nama (Karma). Vajrarṣabhanärāca Samhanana and the like. jivapramodaheturasopetäḥ prakṛtayah subhaḥ, (KaPra p. 34)
The auspicious activity of mind, speech and body, through which Nirjară (falling off of Karma) takes place, and incidentally (as a by-product) the bondage of Punya (merit or auspicious Karma) takes place. subhayogaḥ satpravṛttiḥ, sa ca subhakarmapudgalan akarsati.....aśubhakarmāņi troṭayatiti nirjaräkaraṇam tu samastyeva.
(Jaisidi 4.26, 27 Vr)
Śuśruşană Vinaya
A kind of Darsanavinaya (reverence quâ Darsana (faith);
the modest behaviour towards the Guru (1) in the form of welcoming him, paying respect to him, rising from the seat and greeting him with folded hands etc..
satkaro bhyutthanam sanmāna āsananimantrana tatha ca. asanasamkrämanam kṛtikarma anjaligrahasca..
agacchato'bhivrajanam sthitasya tatha paryupāsana bhanita.gacchato'nuvrajanam eṣa suśruṣaṇāvinayaḥ... (SthaVy Pa 387)
That ascetic (Muni), who is apt for conflict resolution (is fit to play the role of troubleshooter). 'Sirahakah' kalahadikurvatām sikṣām karttum samarthaḥ. (BrBhā 4420 Vr)
The work in the interest of the Samgha (religious order;
that work, which is the main-most important amongst all works.
kajjesu simgabhūyam, tu simganädin bhave kajjam.. (BrBha 388) ....śriganäditakaryam....tādṛśe kärya utpanne sriganädaḥ śmigapūraṇapārvakam samghamilanalakṣaṇaḥ sa sanjato yatra taccatat käryant....
Jaina Pāribhāṣika Sabdakosa samghakaryamucyate. (NandiHaVṛ p. 162, 163) Seṣavat Anumana
A kind of Anumana (inference);
that inference, which is made on the basis of effect, cause, quality. organ and substratum; e.g-by watching the flooded river, to infer that there was rain.
sesavam pancaviham pannattam, tam jahä-kajjeṇam käraneṇam guneṇam avayaveṇam sae (Anu 521)
1. A newly initiated ascetic (Muni) who has not yet been ordained in Chedopasthapaniya Caritra (ordination through detailed resolves). 2. The disciple (ascetic) who undertakes the education in Srutajñāna (2), which is twofoldGrahanasiksa (theoretical education) and Asevanasiksa (education in the form of practice (or application)).
'saikṣaḥ' abhinavadikṣitaḥ. (BrBhā 6411 Vr) sehe chatthe vutte, jassa uvaṭṭhāvanā bhaniya. (BrBhd 6413) ....katicidahäni pratipannasya samayikasya gatāni yasya pravrajitaḥ, anäropitaviviktavratová grahanasevanasikṣāmubhayimso'cira pravraji tah sikṣayitavyaḥ sikṣaḥ, sikşṣämarhatiti väsikṣāsilo vā saikṣaḥ. (TaBha 9.24 Vr Pa 257)
The duration of Sämäyika (2) Caritra (prelimi nary initiation into ascetic conduct) (for a newly initiated ascetic (Muni), which is six months in maximum, four months in middle and seven day-nights in minimum.
tao sehabhimio pampattão, tam jaha-ukkosā.... channsd, majjhima caumisa, jahana sattan. imdiya.
sedhyate-nispadyate yaḥ sa sedhaḥ sikṣā vā dhita iti saikṣaḥ tasya bhimayo-mahāvratāro panakalalakṣaṇaḥ avasthapadavya iti sedhabhimayaḥ saikṣabhümayo vā.
(Stha 3.186 Vr Pa 124)
Śaikṣasthapana Akalpa
Prohibitory clause in relation with newly ini. tiated ascetic-It is not in conformity with the Kalpa (2) (ascetic course)
1. To accept that food, place, cloth and bowl, which have been brought or begged by the