- 321 :
Jaina Pāribhāșika Sabdakosa A branch of astānga mahānimitta (the eightfold science of progntostication); the science which deals with the foretelling about the profit and loss etc. on the basis of the signs such as mole, wart etc. on the different parts of the body such as head, face, neck and the like. siromukhagrivādişu tilakamasakalaksyavraņādiviksanena trikālahitāhitavedanam vyanjanam.
(Tavā 3.36)
Vyatyāmredita An Aticāra (partial transgression) of knowledge; to mix the texts of other works in the original text (under study). annonnajjhayaņasuyakkhamdhesu ghadamāne ālāvae vivitum joemte viccāmelaņā bhavati.
(NiBhā 2776 Cū)
Vyañjana Paryāya Explicit mode-A kind of Paryāya (mode); that mode, which is gross, lasts for sometime and is amenable to verbal expression. . sthūlah kālāntarasthāyi sabdanām samketavişayo vyañjanaparyāyaḥ.
(Jaisidi 1.42) See-Arthaparyāya.
Vyantara Deva Spirits—That Devanikāya (fourfold habitats of gods), which visits all the three (parts of) the Loka (cosmos)-the lower, the lateral (middle) and the upper, goes on moving about either independently or due to servitude of others, and has its habitat in various places like the caves of the mountain, the solitary places of (dense) forests and the like. yasmācсādhastiryagürdhvam ca trinapi lokān sprśantah svātantryāt parābhiyogācca prāyena pratipatantyaniyatagatipracārāh, manusyānapi kecid bhrtyavadupacaranti. vividheșu ca śailakandarāntaravanavivarādişu prativasanti, ato vyantarā ityucyante.
(Tabhā 4.12 Vr) See-Vānamantara Deva.
Vyañjanākşara Phonetical knowledge-A variety of Akşaraśruta (articulate knowledge related with linguistic symbols); the explicit pronunciation of a letter. vamjanakkharam-akkharassa vamjanābhilāvo.
· (Nandi 58) Vyañjanāvagraha : A kind of Avagraha (sensation); the indeterminate cognition of the objects such as sound and the like through the contact between the object and the sense-organ. vyañjanena-sambandhenāvagrahaņam sambadhyamānasya sabdadirūpasyārthasyāvyaktaripahpariċchedo vyañjanāvagrahaḥ.
. (Nandi 40 Ma Vr Pa 168) See-Arthāvagraha.
Vyaya Cessation-One of the three components of the Tripadi (the triplet of origination, cessation and persistance); the destruction of the state (or mode) of the substance, that existed in the immediately preceding instant to the present one; for exampleon originating of the pot-state, cessation of the clod-state. pūrvabhāvavigamanam vyayah. yathā ghatotpattau pindāksteh.
(Sasi 5.30) vyayah tirobhāvalakşanah, pūrvāvasthāyāstirodhānam-vināśaḥ.
(TaBhā 5.29 Vr) 'viyai' tti vigatirvigamaḥ sä сaikotpädavaditi.
(Sthā 1.23 VPa 19) See-Utpāda.
Vyatikrama It is the second step in the direction of transgression of the discipline of Jňāna, Darsana or Caritra; it is in the form of an attempt to indulge in transgression. tividhe vaikkame pannatte, tam jahā—ņāņavaikkame, damsanavaikkame, carittavaikkame.
(Stha 3.441) See-Atikrama.
Vyavadāna 1. Nirjarā (of Karma) (shedding Karma)-The total (ultimate) annihilation of Karma on account of which the Jiva (soul) attains liberation, after total cessation of Yoga (2) (activities of mind, speech and body). vyavadānam pūrvakytakarmmavanalavanam.
(Prami 2.1.12 Vr)