Jaina Pāribhāşika Sabdakosa
bute). mārganamanvayadharmānveşanam mārganā.
(ViBhā 396 Vr)
it occurs just one Antarmuhurta (time-period between 2 Samayas (smallest time-units) and 1 Samaya less 48 minutes)) before death. (in one direction only) up to the place of birth in the next life. māraṇāntikasamudghāto'ntarmuhurttaseṣāyuskakarmāśrayo......jivapradeśān sarirādbahirniskāsya.
(Sania 7.2 Vr Pa 12)
Mārgācyavana Incessantly pursue the sadhana (practice) of the Ratnatraya (the three spiritual jewels of right knowledge, right faith and right conduct): to remain wide awake in pursuit of faith, Svādhyāya (scriptural studies and teaching) and Caritra (ascetic conduct). mārgo-ratnatrayam mukteh panthāh tasmādacyavanam-apracyavanamanapetatvam. taditi mārgasya sambandhah, tasyānuşthānam-sraddhānam svādhyāyakriyā caraṇam.
(Tabha 9.7 Vr)
(Tri Pra 1047)
Māruti Dhāranā Concentration of Citta (psyche) on air element of the body-A kind of Pindastha Dhyāna (meditation based on the corporeal frame of the body); in this meditation, the practitioner, concentrating his Citta (psyche) on his navel (-lotus). experiences through mental auto-suggession that the ashes of the burnt defilements (which were burnt) in the navel(-lotus) (through the Agneyi Dhāraņā (concentration on fire-element)) is being carried away by the blow of the strong wind and the consciousness is becoming purified. dagdhamalāpanayanāya cintanam māruti. tatastribhuvanābhogam pūrayantam samiranam. calayantam girīnabdhin kşobhayantam vicintayet.. tacca bhasmarajastena sighramuddhūya vāyunā. drdhābhyāsah praśāntim, tamānayediti māruti..
(Yosā 7.19, 20) See-Agneyi Dhāraņā.
Mārdava Dharma A type of śramanadharia (tenfold virtues of ascetic) or uttamadharma (noble virtues); to get rid of the impulsive conceit pertaining to (highness of) caste, family, power (or grandeur), intellect, knowledge and the like. jātyādimadāvesādabhimānābhāvo mārdavam.
(SoSi 9.6)
Mālāpahrta A type of Udgama Dosa (blemish of bhiksa (accepting food etc. by going to houses for collecting them in conformity with the canonical instruction)) relating to origination or preparation of food etc.); to give food, etc. to an ascetic by bringing them down from an elevated place like a loft, pillar or palace by climbing a ladder etc. or by descending into a cellar or from a hanging potrest (chimkā). yaduparibhūmikātaḥ śikyāderbhūmigrhädvā ākrsya sādhubhyo dānam tanmālāpahrtam.
(Yośă 1.38 V? p. 134)
Mārgaņā 1. Second stage of Ihā (speculation), in which, thorough reflection on anvayadharma (dharma (arrtibute) based on Anvaya (statement of the constant and invariable concomitance of the Sādhana (proban or middle term) (or Hetu) and the Sadhya (probandum or major term)) and vyatirekadlarinas (dharma (arrtibute) based on Vyatireka (assertion of the concomitance of the absence of Sādhya and the absence of Sadhana) of the particulars is undertaken. tasseva visesatthassa annaya-vairegadhammasamāloyanam maggaņā bhannati.
(Nandi 45 Cū p. 36) 2. Investigation of the Anvaya Dharma (attri
Māsakalpa The maximum duration (of one month) allowed for the ascetic's sojourn at one place, except the rainy season. ekatra māsāvasthitirūpe samācāre.
(BrBhā 2035 VI)
Māsakşapaņa Māsakhamana; the penance of undertaking fasting for one month at a stretch..