Jaina Pariblasika Sabdakosa
(UPA 1.30 Vrp. 9)
A kind of Utkalika Śruta (a category of Agamas (canonical works), which is allowed to be studied at all time barring the akala prahara (ie., the period in which the study of Agamas is prohibited));
in which there is an elaborate description of Pramada (1) (remissness) and Apramāda (3) (non-remissness).
majjadiyo pancaviho pamato, tesu ceva abhogapuvviya varati appamato, ete jattha savittharattha damsijjanti tamajjhayanam pamadappa(Nandi 77 Cap. 58)
Authentic knowledge-A constituent of Nydya (science of Logic);
the result of the Pramāņa (organ of valid knowledge), which is the Sadhya (probandum or major term).
pramitiḥ phalam.. phalanca sadhyamiti.
(Cognizable) Object of Pramāṇa-A limb of logic (nydya);
that Vastu (3) (object of valid organ of cognition). which is anekäntätmaka-that which is possessed of mutually opposite attributes (such as general-cum-particular and the like).
(Bhiksu 1.2 Vr) tasya (pramaṇasya) viṣayaḥ sämänyaviseṣādyanekäntätmakam vastu. (Pranata 5.1) See-Vastu.
(Bhiksu 1.2 Vr) (Bhiksu 6.14 Vr)
Objectivity-One of the Samanya Gunas (generic qualities) of the fundamental Dravya (substance);
it is through this quality that the substance becomes a cognizable object of Pramana (valid organ of knowledge).
pramanena paricchedyam prameyam praniga(DraTa 11.3)
pramāṇaviṣayata prameyattvam.
(Jaisidt 1.38 Vr)
Pramoda Bhāvanā
Feeling of delight in the distinction and honours
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of others-The expression of the mental delight and attachment on account of internal devotion (to the adorable ones) through obeisance. eulogy, praise, facial delightfulness etc... apăstasesadoṣaṇäm vastutattvävalokinām. gunesu pakṣapato yaḥ sa pramodaḥ prakirtitah.. (Yosa 4.119)
(TaVa 7.11.2)
ktiragaḥ pramodaḥ.
1. That activity, which takes place on account of the effort of the Jiva (soul). prayogah-parispandakriyā ātmavyāpāra iti. (Prajna 16.1 Vr Pa 317) 2. Performance of mental, vocal and bodily activities, fortified with the Samyaktva (right faith) and the like.
prayogaḥ samyaktvädipurvo manaḥprabhṛtivyaparaḥ. (SthaVr Pa 141) See-Yoga.
Motion of the aggregates of the Pudgala (physical substance), used by the Jiva (soul) for the purpose of carrying out its activities (of mind etc.).
prayogagatih iyan desantarapräptilakṣaṇā drastavya, satyamanahprabhṛtipudgalānām jivena vyāpāryamāṇānām yathayogamalpabaludesäntaragamanāt. (Prajiia 16.18 Vy Pa328)
The Pariņāma (2) (natural transformation) of the Jiva (soul) in the form of undertaking an effort. which is due to the Kṣayopasama (annihilation-cum-subsidence) or Kşaya (annihilation) of Viryäntaaya (Karma, obstructing the spiritual energy).
prayogo viryantarayakṣayopasamät kṣayād vä ceṣṭāsvarupaḥ parināmaḥ prayogaparināmaḥ. (TaBha 10.5 Vṛ)
Bandha (3) (integration) due to efforts by the soul-The structuring of its own soul-units and organisation of the material objects through integration of material clusters-both effected by the efforts of the Jiva (soul). prayogo-jivavyāpārastena ghațito bandhaḥ prayogikal audarikādiśarīrajatukāṣṭhādivisa