-229 :
Jaina Pāribhāșika Sabdakosa leader of all nuns of the Gana (2) (monastic sub-order). . pravarttini' sakalasādhvinām nāyikā.
(BrBhā 4339 Vr)
pravrājanay-dikṣayā antevāsi pravrājanāntevāsi dikşita ityarthaḥ. (Sthā 4.424 Vr Pa 230)
Prasama A distinguishing characteristic of Samyaktva (right faith); subsidence of Rāga (attachment) and Dveşa (aversion) rāgādināmanudrekah prasamaḥ. (Tavā 1.2.30) See--Sama.
Pravicaksana That ascetic (Muni), who is possessed of Samyak Caritra (right conduct), refrains from sin, and becoming detached to the worldly life on account of the fear of transmigration in the cycle of birth and death, does not want to commit even the slightest sin. paviyakkhaņā ņāma vajjabhirū bhannamti, vaijabhiruņoņāma samsārabhayauvviggā thovamavi pāvam necchamti. (Da 2.11 Jičū p. 92) pravicakşaņāh-caranaparināmavantah.
(Da 2.11 HaVr Pa 99)
Praśāstrdosa A type of fault (or fallacy) in Väda (polemics); the fault committed by the praśāstā—the chairperson who presides over the debate, on account of his prejudice or indifference. prasāstā-anusāsako maryādākāri sabhānāyakah sabhyo vā tasmād dviştādupeksakādvā doşah prativādino jayadānalakṣaṇo vismytaprameyaprativādinah prameyasmaraņādilaksaņo vā prasāstrdosah.
(Stha 10.94 V; Pa 467)
Právrajyā Initiation (into ascetic life)-Formal acceptance of the five Mahāvratas (great vows) (renunciation of worldly life); the Pariņāma (2) (natural tran formation) of (consciousness resulting in) abstinence, through which cessation of all sinful activities takes place. viratipariņāmaḥ sakalasävadyayogavinivrttirupah pravrajyā.
(Pancava 164 Vr) pavvayanam pavvajjā pāvão suddhacaraṇajogesu. iya mokkham pai gamanam kārana kajjovayārāo..
(Sthā 3.180 Vr Pa 123) See-Dikṣā.
Prasna The science of Mantra ( a branch of occult science), through which the auspicious or inauspicious happennings of a person can be predicted just by looking at his thumb or arm. tatrārguşthabāhuprasnädikā mantravidyā praśnāḥ.
(Sama 98 Vr Pa 115)
Pravrājaka That Ācārya (preceptor), who initiates the disciples in ascetic life by bestowing the Sāmāyika (2) (ascetic conduct) etc.. pravrājakaḥ-sāmāyikavratāderāropayitā.
(Tabhā 9.6 Vr)
Praśnavyākarana Name of the tenth Ariga of the Dvādasānga Śruta (twelve principal canonical works); in this canonical work, there is description of many supernatural (occult) sciences including Prasna, Aprasna, Prasnāpraśna, etc.. panhāvāgaranesu nam atthuttaram pasiņasayam, afthuttaram apasinasayam atthuttaram pasiņāpasinasayam, anne ya vicittá divvā vijjaisayā, nāgasuvannehim saddhim divvä samvāyā āghavijjamti. se nam amgatthayāe dasame ange....samkhejjāim payasahassāim payaggenam.....
(Nandi 90)
(Stha 4.422)
Pravrājanāntevāsi The disciple of the Pravrājaka Ācārya (the preceptor, who initiates the disciples in ascetic life) with respect to the acceptance of the Pravrajyā (ini-tiation) from him.
Praśnavyākaranadasādhara That ascetic (Muni), who is well versed in the text as well as the meaning of the Prasnavyākaranadeśā (the tenth Arga (principal canonical work)) appegaiyā paņhāvāgaranadasādharā. (Aupa 45)