and Alwar States are also dated in the Bhäţiks era as they seem to be, it would not be wrong to infer that there was a great empire flourishing in Rajputana and the neighbouring territory in the seventh century A.C.
As for the localitto mentioned in the present inscription, no place-name like Kisblindh is noticeable in the vicinity of Dhulēv. About four miles south-east of Dhulēv there are extensive ruins of an ancient town near the modern village of Kalyanpur where the present plate is said to have been found. These ruins may mark the site of ancient Kishkindha. Ubbaraka, the agrahāra village, may be modern Umbari, about a mile to the north-west of Kalyanpur. Tumbatals cannot be traced in the neighbourhood.
TEXT 1 प्रों नमः ॥ स्वस्तिः किष्किद्धां' । महाराजभेत्तिः कुशली] सर्वानेव
[स्वानायुक्तक]विनियुक्तकच(चा)टभटकुटुम्बिमहत्तरदाङ्गिकां(कान्) बोधयत्य2 [स्तु] वो विदितं यथा मया महाराजबप्पदत्तिः तस्यैव पुण्याप्यायननिमित्त्यर्थ
भट्टिनागब्राह्मणाय चन्द्रात्रे यसगोत्रायः वादसनेय-. 3 सगोत्राय' []म्बरकग्रामाग्राहारे अनुमतिः दत्ता [*] अस्य कृषतः कर्षापयतो'
वा परिपत्थना न करणीया ग्रामे वासिभिश्च समुचि4 [त]भागहिरण्यदेयोपनयः कायः(यः) [*] भवति चात्र श्लोकः [*] षष्ठि10
___ वर्षसहस्राणि स्वर्गे मोदति भूमिदः [*] प्र(प्रा)च्छेत्ता चानुमन्ता च 6 तान्येव नरके वसेत् ॥ राज्यप्रतिमत्तावषैः तृसप्ततिभिः। अश्वयुजसंव्वत्सरे:12 [*]
___ दु(दू)तको यज्ञदेवः ॥ लिखितंच्च (च) साम्बभटेन:13 [*] 8 महाराजभेत्तिस्वहस्तोः]" । भट्टिवडस्य स्वहस्तः ॥ तुम्बतालीनिवेशे सामन्तभतृ (त)
वहुसकाशा[*] दु(दू)तक: कर्कभटः ॥ 7 श्रीसामन्तभर्तृपद्दस्यानुमतिः [*] दूतकोत्त सामन्तभविहितः [*]
1 For the identification of the places I am obliged to Pandit A. K. Vyas, Superintendent, Udaipur Museum. • From photograph of the plate, supplied by Pandit A. K. Vyas. . Expromed by a symbol.
Read fufurat:. The following danda is superfluous. • Road महाराजवप्पबत्तेः पुण्याप्यायननिमित्तम्. [Soo p. 7 below.-Rd.] • This visarga is superfluous. • Read वाजसनेयसब्रह्मचारिणे. • Read कर्षयतो. • Read परिपन्धना. - Read षष्टिं . nRead राज्यप्रतिपत्तिवर्षे त्रिसप्ततितमे.
" Read माश्वयुजसंवत्सरे. TL or and that after er a may have been intended MA sign of punctuation.
"See n. 12, above. MRoad स्वहस्तः.
"Thia may be read mअम्बताली also, but the medial vowel of the first akshara may have been intended to be an indatakad further in this line. [The akaharas in question are tra and dra.-D.0.8.]