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śāstre cāptena vo'pyetannisiddhaṁ yatnato nanu. larkāvatārasūtrādau tato 'nena na kiñcana. 17/8
That is your attained ( Buddha ) also has prohibited meateating in Buddhist canons like Lankāvatārasūtra etc. hence advocating meat-eating is futile. The verse forbidding meat-eating found in Lankāvatārasūtra' is as follows -
madyaṁ māṁsam palāņduṁ na bhakşayeyam mahāmune. bodhisattvairmahāsattvairbhāşadbhirjinapungavaiḥ. 1/8
In the light of above verses, it becomes clear that Haribhadra has succeeded in pointing out the inherent contradictions of this proposition, ‘na māṁsabhakṣaṇe doṣaḥ .
While refuting the third contention there is no sin in coupulation' ( na ca maithune ). Haribhadra has referred to an illustration occurred in Vyākhyāprajñapti 17 ( Bhagavati ). That verse in Astaka-prakaraņa! is as follows -
prāņināṁ bādhakaṁ caitacchāstre gitaṁ maharşibhiḥ. nalikā taptakanaka praveśa jñātatastathā. 2017
That is great sages have preached in canons ( Šāstre ) through an illustration, that this intercource is the destroyer of creatures, in the sameway as the penetration, of heated golden-rod into pipe, kills insects. The illustration referred to by Haribhadra occurs in Vyākhyā-prajñapti like this -
'kei purise rüyanāliyam vā būranāliyam vă tatteņań kaņayeņas samabhiddhasejjā', that is just as a human being may, with the help of a burning match-stick, destroy a stalk of a cotton plant or a stalk of a Bura plant so does a soul imdulging in sex experience, incur non-restraint of the sorti.
This illustration is also found in Purusārtha-siddhyupāya! of Amrtacandrasūri ( 9th-10th century A. D.) in following verse --
himsyante tilanālyāṁ taptāyasi vinihite tilā yadvat. bahavo jīvā yonau himsyante maithune tadvat.
It means just as a hot rod burns up the sesamum seed filled in a tube, in which it is introduced, in the same way many living
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