[ Sāmāyikasvarūpanirūpaṇāṣṭakam ]
sāmāyikaṁ ca mokṣāngaṁ paraṁ sarvajñabhāṣitam. vāsīcandanakalpānāmuktametanmahātmanām.
Preached by omniscient, this equanimity occurs to the Great souls, who resemble the sandal ( tree ) emiting perfume to the carpenter's adze ( cutting doing ill towards it) and is the prime cause of liberation.
niravadyamidaṁ jñeyamekāntenaiva tattvataḥ.
This equanimous conduct, being auspicious in nature, all the activities (mental, vocal and physical ), being pure therein, be really considered absolutely sinless.
yatpunaḥ kuśalam cittaṁ lokadṛṣṭyā vyavasthitam. tattathaudāryayoge'pi cintyamānaṁ na tādṛśam.
But that auspicious mind, well known empirically also caused by magnanimity, is not to be thought of like that (equanimous conduct ).
mayyeva nipatatvetajjagadduścaritaṁ yathā. matsucaritayogācca muktiḥ syätsarvadehinām.
May, all the vicious conduct of the world, descent on me, and as an effect of my righteous conduct, all the worldly creatures attain salvation.
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