prohibited by (māṁ sa ). As sanctioned by other axiom (Prokṣitam Bhakṣayet) meat eating is consented.
prokṣitam bhakṣayenmāṁsaṁ brāhmaṇānāṁ ca kāmyayā. yathāvidhi niyuktastu prāṇānāmeva vā❜tyaye.
One may eat meat, when sprinkled with water, purified by recital of mantras, Brahmins desire one to do so, one is engaged in ( performing a rite ) according to ritual and when one's life is in danger.
atraivāsāvadoṣaścennivṛttirnāsya sajyate. anyada'bhakṣaṇādatrābhakṣaṇe doṣakīrtanāt.
If the saying 'there is no sin' in meat-eating suggests that if eaten according to scriptural provisions is not sinful, then to abandon meat-eating will never be possible. Because though it is prohibited except under the scriptural provision yet refusal, in the context of same ( scriptural provision) is termed as sinful.
yathāvidhi niyuktastu yo māṁsaṁ nātti vai dvijaḥ. sa pretya paśutāṁ yāti sambhavānekavimśatim.
But a Brahmin, duly engaged to officiate or dine at a sacred rites refuses to eat meat, becomes after death an animal in coming twenty one births.
pārivrājyaṁ nivṛttiścedyastadapratipattitaḥ. phalābhāvaḥ sa evā’sya doṣo nirdoștaiva na.
Jain Education International
If in mendicancy, abstaining from meat-eating is natural, in the case of mendicants, the occurrence of great reward by abstaining from it will not apply. This absence of great reward is itself its sin, so why it is categorised not sinful.
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