vijayo hyatra sannītyä durlabhastattvavādinaḥ. tadbhāve'pyantarāyādi doṣo'dṛṣṭavighātakṛt.
The ascetic's victory, in this trick etc. dominated disputation by means of right prudence is rare. Even victory is injurious to his next world because it victory inherits the demerits of obstructing the gain and the fame of defeated debater.
paralokapradhānena madhyasthena tu dhīmatā. svaśāstrajñātatattvena dharmavāda udahṛtaḥ.
The discussion with the wise one is categorised as righteous debate, having firm faith in the next world, dispassionate and cognizant of realities of his sacred treaties.
vijaye'sya phalam dharmapratipattyadyaninditam. ātmano mohanāṣaśca niyamāttatparājayāt.
The victory of ascetic over the wise opponent in this righteous debate yields in respect etc. ( in him) towards order and in adapting Jina religion by him i.e. opponent. The ascetic vanquished by latter positively removes ascetic's delusion.
deśadyapekṣayā ceha vijñāya gurulāghavam. tīrthakṛjjñātamālocya vādaḥ karyo vipaścitā.
Jain Education International
Therefore, an intelligent one should debate after thoroughly reflecting on magnanimity and disgrace in case of victory and defeat, respectively and with due consideration of the preachings of Mahāvīra as well as place, time, council, assessors, opponent) etc.
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