वीर ज्ञानोदय ग्रंथमाला
converting the length of a yojana into the number of British miles. Time and place have to be kept in view while dealing with any length unit. Thirdly, while locating the different places on earth, thc phenomenon of continual change over the surface of the earth due to earthquakes and volcanic eruptions has to be observed seriously. Fourthly, some geographical descriptions have multiple meanings. For example, mount Meru located at the centre of Jambūdvipa not only represents a Jaina geographical site on one hand but its dimensions also represent, on the other hand, such a consistent mathematical picture implying the astronomical notion of obliquity of ecliptic in it. Fifthly, many of the geographical descriptions have been observed through extra-sensory perception through the divine approach by the holy Jainacharyas. For example, some of the towns of Nagakumara devas as located in celestial space at a distance of 700 yojanas from coast and at a height of 700 1/2 yojanas top of lavanasamudra, cannot be observed through the physical eye we have.
In the light of aforesaid discussion, much care has to be taken in observation while understanding the concept of Jambūdvipa in Jaina geography. Jambūdvīpa appears to represent real geographical situations in remote antiquity. But at the same time geographical situations implying a consistent picture of dimensions of Jambūdvipa appear to have been extended to the realms of metaphysical world. Thus Jainacharyas seem to have contemplated to trace the path of spiritual growth and development in terms of solid physical parameters. Several mountains and rivers may represent several hurdles in the path of spiritual uplift. Her holiness Aryikaratna Jnanamati Mataji has very aptly attempted to delve deep into the secrets of Jaina geography, representing both physical and metaphysical worlds in their true perspectives. A marvellous creation of Sumeru at the centre of Jambūdvipa with all its descriptive contents has glorified the land of Hastinapur charged with the spiritual radiations of Her holiness Aryikaratna Jnanamati Mataji for years together. Her Holiness has solidified the path of liberation through the various mountains and rivers spread over Jambūdvīpa leading to the spiritual uplift towards the heights of various goals at the mount Meru.
Apart from physical and spiritual implications of Jaina geography, its social, psychological and economic implications deserve a separate account. It is the high time when Digambar Jaina Institute of Cosmographical Research, Hastinapur should be developed as an academically research oriented institution with a camp office at Delhi as well under the kind patronage of Her Holiness Pujya Jnanamati Mataji.
Long live Jambudvipa! Long live Pujya Jnanamati Mataji!
1. Jaina Geography by Pujya Jnanamati Mataji, original in Hindi. Translated in English by Dr. S.S. LISHK, DJICR, Hastinapur. 2. Jaina Astronomy by Dr. S.S. LISHK, Vidyasagar Publications, B-5/262, Yamuna Vihar, Delhi-110053. 3. Psycho-Social aspects of Jaina Mathematics, by Dr. Amarjit Kaur and Dr. S.S. Lishk, published in JAINA JOURNAL, Vol.
22, No. 2, pp. 70-74.
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