is the first Upånga, Acäränga is the first Ajiga. It is naturally expected that the Upūnga should be in supplement to the Anga, as there are 12 Angas and 12 Upāngas. More so when their relations are acknowledged chronologically, i. e., this Upāriga belongs to that Anga. The affix 'upa' generally means next to it, e.g. Ācārya - Upācārya, Kulapati-Upakulapati, But there is no such affinity in the subject-matter of a Anga with its Upānga. It will not be proper if we do so by manipulation. The fact is in ancient times 4 Vedas had 4 Upangas. Their affi nity is also in doubt. Whatever becomes in vogue in one tradition is generally adopted in other traditions. It seems that the Jaina seers added 12 Upāngas with 12 Angas accordingly. This is a nice example of how things are exchanged in two contemporary traditions.
In Jaina literature we get the word 'Jina' but nowhere we get 'Jaina' in the sense of a follower of the Jina. But in that age when Sanskrit became dominant the word 'Jaina' became in vogue : jino devatā yasya sah jainah--one whose god is 'Jina' is Jaina. Strange though it may seem, in that very age words like Bauddha, Saiva, Vaişņaya etc. were coined as derived from the rules of Sanskrit Grammar. These are used even now. So we should not be surprised if Upāngas are added to Angas due to contemporary fashion.
Secondly, it may be like this : Though there is no relation in the subject matter, still if we have to give some books the Prestige of an Anga why not call them Upānga ? Even today one who is not Acārya but like a Ācārya, is called Upācārya. So Angas and Upāngas should not be made a subject-matter of dispute or of a lengthy discussion. Nor the matter is as complex as such.
Now the question is why Uvaväiya was given the first place in Upāngas instead of the Agama like Pannavaņā of Syāmācārya ? The answer is simple. In this Agama we get description of a city, foreststrip, etc. Whenever the necessity arised for such description in any other Agama it was referred to Uvavaiya---as in Uvaväiya, Under the circumstances they