as such while in Jaina Agamas Sreņika has been called Bhimbhisāra and by some other names almost similar to that. But no body knows of them. Most of the historians regard him as the ardent follower of the Buddha which he was not. I am not blaming the reserachers or historians, because the Jaina Agamas or Prakrit literature were not available. to them.
This we can easily understand that how difficult 'it is for a foreigner to master a foreign language like Prakrit, Sanskrit and Hindi and then to do research work on them. Still the honour of doing research work on Jaina Āgamas and Prakrit goes to foreign scholars like Hermann Jacobi, R. Pischel and others. How many Indians had done research work after mastering a foreign language on the history and culture of that nation ?
Let past be past and think of the present. If we chalk out a crashing programme for the publication of Jaina Agamas in foreign languages many misconceptions will be removed not only from the history of India but also of the world and they will know of the spiritual, social and historical values of the Jaina Agamas and the Jaina religion.
Prakrit Bharati Academy is doing a good job by publishing Jaina Agamas with English translation. For this thanks are due to Sri D. R. Mehta, its Secretary and Mahopadhyay Sri Vinaysagar, its Director. Thus the foreign scholars will get an easy access to Prakrit and that will open new vistas in the field of research.
Place of Uvaväiya Suttam in Agama Literature:
The present Agama literature consists of Anga, Upānga, Müla, Chheda and Prakirņakas. There are 12 Angas and 12 Upārgas. Uvaväiya is the first amongst the 12 Upāngas. It is also known as O vayālya and Aupapatika. While Uvaväiya