Book Title: Tirthankar Bhagawan Mahavir 48 Chitro ka Samput
Author(s): Yashodevsuri
Publisher: Jain Sanskruti Kalakendra

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________________ Nine persons including males and females it was near Magadha and in the present state of Bihara) The clerical office of king Hastipala continuously for 48 hours Satyaki 8 How many persons were destined to be future Tirthankaras under his discipline? 9 Who was the Rudra in his discipline? 10 Which system of philo- sophy was created under his discipline? | 11 How many miracles hap pened in his life? Vaisheshika philosophy Paryankasana (Cot posture) or Padmasana (Lotus posture) Two-third of the physical body Five (transfer of foetus, the failure of the first reli gious discourse etc.) Five fasts Twelve 16 What was the place at the time of redemption? 17 How much time did he devote for religious discourse at the time of redemption? 18 What was the posture at the time of redemp tion? 19 What was the measure of his spirit after libera tion? 20 The penance at the time of redemption? 21 Was there redemption of anyone simultaneous ly? 22 What was the time of re. demption? 23 In which cycle of time he got redemption? 24 What time was left for the fourth cycle of time at the redemption? 25 How far the tradition of such redemption con tinued? 26 When was the system of redemption started during his discipline? Two continuous (Chhattha) No Five Later part of the night Nine or three Four At the end of the fourth cycle of time Three years eight and a half months Five Upto the third succession of disciple to disciple Regularly every morning and evening 12 How many are the funda mental vows of an ascetic? 13 How many are the subtle vows of the followers of Jainism? (Shravaka) 14 How many are the types of conduct? 15 How many are the funda mental elements? 16 How many are the types of "Samayika" vows? 17 How many are the types of Pratikramana? 18 How many times the six essential Pratikramana, should be practised? 19 How many types of prac. tices for self-control are there? 20 Is it easy or difficult to follow good conduct? 21 What type of dress should the ascetics wear? 22 How was the tempera ment of contemporary people? 23 Which were the areas toured by Bhagavan Mahavira? 24 How many kings were de voted to him? Four years after he attained absolute enlightenment Seventeen Very difficult Colourless, white and of ordinary quality Crooked and orthodox, no modesty and less of intellectual achievement Mostly. in eastern and northern India besides once upto western India Numerous kings THE CONCISE DIVISION OF THE LIFE SPAN OF BHAGAVAN MAHAVIRA MISCELLANEOUS NOTEWORTHY FACTS 1 Where does he deliver his In the divine auditorium religious discourse? created by gods or on a golden lotus 2 Is the religious discourse Yes delivered daily? 3 How many times and how in the morning and in the long are the religious afternoon (three hours discourses delivered each time i.e. six hours in daily? all) 4 What is the medium of In Ardha-Magadhi religious discourse? Prakrit then a language of the masses 5 In which language the Mostly in Ardha-Magadhi spiritual teachers Prakrit (Ganadharas) com posed the scriptures? 6 What is the future for one in the first or third birth he who offers food to ceases to have further Tirthankara Mahavira births for breaking the fast after his first penance? 7 What are the five divine Dress, 2. shower of incidents at the time of fragrant water. 3. shower giving food? of 12 and a half lac (or crore) of gold coins, 4. announcement of what a great alm!" and 5. the sound of Dundubhi a musical instrument 1 Duration as householder ness 2 Life after initiation 3 Life incognito 30 years 42 years and the same number of monsoon halts) 12 and a half years and fifteen days 29 years, five and a half months Complete seventy two years (according to the anci. ent Jain calendar) 4 Life after absolute enlight enment 5 Total life-span La जैन श्रावक T9 PAR 39 1 - 109 Jain Education International For Personal & Private Use Only


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